Digital Account — For People and Businesses

Easy, Fast, and Digital

A 100% digital account for you or your company. Accessible 24/7 from your smartphone, computer, or tablet. Opening an account is free, fast, and without bureaucracy.

You choose it: operate in Zlots, Euros, or US Dollars! Connect with the world!

Safe and Transparent

Track everything in real-time, good management requires visibility of expenses. Gain access to data and information of all transactions to make good decisions and avoid phantom expenses.

Helping people and companies!

Digital Account - For PEOPLE AND BUSINESS

The account made

for a new economy

With the AmethPay Digital Account, you have the security and convenience of a digital means of payment.

- Scheduled payments

- International transfers

- Account statements and receipts

- Deposits through transfer and receipts

- Foreign Exchange

- Credit and Debit Cards available

Security and Trust in the Custody of Main Cryptocurrencies with AmethPay

  • Armazenamento em Wallet: A maioria dos fundos é armazenada em wallets, que são desconectadas da internet e, portanto, imunes a ataques cibernéticos. Isso garante que seus ativos permaneçam seguros mesmo nas situações mais adversas.

  • Segurança Multinível: Implementamos autenticação de dois fatores (2FA), sistemas de detecção de atividades suspeitas, e procedimentos rigorosos de controle de acesso, para garantir que apenas você tenha acesso às suas criptomoedas.

  • Compliance com Regulamentações: Nossa custódia segue estritamente as regulamentações aplicáveis, incluindo as normas europeias de proteção ao consumidor e de prevenção à lavagem de dinheiro, oferecendo a você uma tranquilidade adicional ao investir em criptomoedas.

Your bonds anywhere, anytime.

Transact your money with our accessible and easy-to-use mobile app. It's like having your money in your cell phone! Bill payments, funds transfer OR payments using your debit and credit cards.


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